This Butter Cauliflower and Chickpeas recipe is perfect for busy weeknights! Start by tossing cauliflower florets with avocado oil and a mix of spices including...
These Roasted Cauliflower Hummus Bowls will transform your meal times! Imagine a smooth, garlicky hummus base topped generously with spiced, roasted cauliflower. Add a burst...
Imagine whipping up a dish that’s a delightful mix of tangy, creamy, crunchy, and smoky flavors, all piled on a crispy corn tortilla. That’s exactly...
Get ready to indulge in this scrumptious Three Cheese Baked Gnocchi! Imagine soft gnocchi enveloped in a velvety tomato sauce, dotted with fresh spinach and...
This Caprese Grilled Cheese is the ultimate summer sandwich! It’s packed with flavors from a rich basil pesto and a homemade garlic butter tomato sauce,...
Detox Rainbow Roll-Ups are a vibrant and healthy choice for lunch, especially if you’re looking for something both beautiful and nutritious. These roll-ups feature a...
This Spaghetti with Crispy Zucchini is a delightful dish that celebrates the tail end of summer. Imagine biting into tender spaghetti topped with golden, crispy...
Get ready to have your taste buds blown away with these Portobello French Dips! Imagine juicy, roasted portobello mushroom strips paired with sweet, golden caramelized...